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The road to a financially secure retirement requires you plan reasonably and responsibly so you can enjoy those years with peace of mind.

One of the best ways to start or supplement your retirement savings plan is with an IRA from EPFCU. We offer our IRAs as simple saving accounts, as well as certificates with terms from 6 to 60 months in both Traditional and Roth formats.

Traditional IRAs

Traditional IRAs give you a reliable source of income when you retire and may give you a tax break now. You must start making withdrawals when you turn 73. You’ll have to pay taxes on your contributions and the interest they earned when you make your withdrawals.

Roth IRAs

Roth IRAs do not have deductible contributions, but you can avoid paying taxes on your earnings. You can make tax-free withdrawals starting at age 59 1/2 if it’s been 5 years since you opened the account, but you’re not required to make withdrawals at any age.

Coverdell Education Savings

Coverdell Education Savings accounts are classified as IRAs but are used for saving for the educational costs of children and grandchildren.

Savings Account Rates


Account Min. Balance to Open Min. Balance to Earn APY Dividend Rate APY*
IRA Savings $5 $5 .25% .25%
IRA Roth Savings $500 $500 0.50% 0.50%
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Share Account dividends are compounded and paid monthly. Dividend Rate and APYs are variable and are subject to change. If you close your share account prior to the payment of dividends, you will not receive the accrued dividend. Fees could reduce earnings on an account. 

Smart Saver
Term Certificate Rates

Effective Sep 1, 2024Print

Share & IRA Certificates Min. Balance
to Open
Min. Balance
to Earn APY
6 Month Certificate $1,000 $1,000 3.93% 4.00%
12 Month Certificate $1,000 $1,000 3.45% 3.50%
24 Month Certificate $1,000 $1,000 2.96% 3.00%
36 Month Certificate $1,000 $1,000 3.20% 3.25%
48 Month Certificate $1,000 $1,000 2.75% 2.78%
60 Month Certificate $1,000 $1,000 2.75% 2.78%
IRA Certificates $500 $500 Same as above Same as above
Jumbo Certificates $100,000 $100,000 Inquire at CU Inquire at CU
†Smart Saver Term Share Certificate Balance Computation Method: Balance Computation Method: Daily Balance. Dividend Accrual: Dividends earned from day of deposit to day of withdrawal. Dividend accrual on non-cash deposits will begin on the day of deposit. Fees: No service fees. Early Withdrawal: Penalty for withdrawal of funds other than dividends prior to maturity is 90 days of dividends earned. Maturity: Rate is fixed for the term of the certificate. Notice of maturity is mailed fifteen (15) days prior to maturity date, stating the certificate will automatically renew. Withdrawal or transfer of certificate funds is permitted within a five (5) day period following the maturity date. Transaction Limits: After the account is opened, deposits into or withdrawals from the account are not permitted until maturity. Fees could reduce earnings on an account. 
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield

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